Article published in Small Science

16 October, 2024

Scanless Spectral Imaging of Terahertz Vortex Beams Generated by High-Resolution 3D-Printed Spiral Phase Plates

Terahertz technology has experienced significant advances in the past years, leading to new applications in the fields of spectroscopy, imaging, and communications. This progress requires the development of dedicated optics to effectively direct, control and manipulate terahertz radiation. In this regard, 3D printing technologies have shown great potential, offering fast prototyping, high design flexibility, and good reproducibility. While traditional 3D printing techniques allow for the preparation of terahertz optical components operating at relatively low frequencies (<0.4 THz) due to their limited resolution, two-photon polymerization lithography (TPL) exhibits high detail resolution and low surface roughness and can thus potentially enable the fabrication of high-frequency terahertz devices. Here, as a proof of principle, spiral phase plates operating at 1 THz are designed and fabricated by means of TPL. Moreover, these samples are characterized via a rapid and scanless terahertz imaging technique customized to obtain a coherent hyperspectral analysis of the generated vortex beams at varying distances along propagation. Numerical simulations are also conducted for comparison with experiments, revealing a good agreement. Current limitations of the technique are found to be mainly related with terahertz loss in TPL polymers, and possible solutions are discussed.
